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Breast, bottle, and everything in-between! 

Initial Consultation

Singleton ~ $175+hst Home, $125+hst Clinic
Multiples ~ $200
+hst Home, $150+hst Clinic

Typically 90 minutes in length the initial consultation is our starting point 

We will discuss what has been going well, and what you wish would be going better 

After a full assessment of parent, babe, and feeding we will write out a custom feeding plan to support your feeding goals

If necessary, we will make referrals to other professionals that may be of benefit ie. physiotherapy,chiropractic care, tongue tie release, or osteopathy  


Follow Up

Singleton ~ $125+hst Home, $75+hst Clinic

Multiples ~ $150+hst Home, $100+hst Clinic

Typically 60 minutes in length the follow up visit is our next step 

We will discuss how things have been going, and complete a feed

If necessary we will make changes to your feeding plan


If it has been more than 6 weeks since your last appointment,

 reassessment will be necessary.


Pump Support

$100+hst Home / $75+hst Clinic

Typically 60 minutes in length, the pump support session will provide education on breast pump settings, flange fitting, and making a pumping schedule.

Ideal for parents who wish to exclusively pump, or are going to be away from baby for an extended period and wish to maintain a milk supply.



$140+hst Home / $100+hst Clinic

Typically 60-75 minutes in length, the reassessment is available to existing clients who are experiencing a new feeding challenge. 

Common examples include: teething, introducing solid foods, weaning, returning to work, or sudden slowed weight gain. 


If you have been seen within the previous 6 weeks a follow up visit will suffice and a reassessment is not necessary.


Peace of Mind Visit

$75+hst Home / $60+hst Clinic

Typically 30-45 minutes in length the peace of mind visit is a quick check in to provide reassurance that things are going well  


Available to existing clients with a set feeding plan


Bottle Support

$150+hst Home / $100+hst Clinic

Typically 60 minutes in length the bottle support visit is ideal for families that wish to introduce a bottle to their breastfed infant, need help figuring out bottle feeding challenges, or need help navigating the world of infant formula.


*More than one appointment may be required, depending on the level of bottle refusal the baby is exhibiting, if this is the case a follow-up visit will be offered at the above stated rate*


Weaning Support

$125+hst Home / $100+hst Clinic

Typically 60-90 minutes in length the weaning consultation will review everything the family needs to know to stop breast and/or bottle feeding and start the transition to the next part of the journey. 


This session is also ideal for parents returning to work, who would like to develop a plan for pumping while away from baby and breastfeeding while home.


Virtual Support

$25+hst Per 15 minutes

Video support is provided over a secure server, we will discuss your challenges and I will provide guidance for adjustments as necessary. 

Also useful for peace of mind questions, prenatal teaching, and minor feeding plan adjustments. 


Introducing Solid Foods

$175 +hst

Worried about starting solid foods with your little one? Let us hold your hand through the process. 


This session will start with an education session on introducing solid foods to your baby, review of gagging vs. choking (with video demonstrations), and assessing your baby's stage of readiness. 


Next, we will assess baby's fit in their high chair. Ensuring baby is sitting in a secure, stable, and well supported position. 

Finally, we will offer baby some solid foods! 


This session includes a PDF of first food recipes, for exploring solid foods with your little one!  

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